About LiveHomeo

May 23, 2017


Live each day to the fullest by following few health tips. Few tips can lead to happier and healthier life.

Eat healthy

Eat healthy and be healthy, eating healthy and balanced food makes you feel healthy, strong and happy. Healthy food habits play an important role in maintaining physical and mental health. It improves mood and maintains healthy brain functioning. Eat three meals a day and never skip breakfast. Healthy eating involves
  1. Eat fruits and vegetables- Fresh fruits and vegetables are important for good health as they contain vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre which are very important for us. Including fruits and vegetables in diet protects us against many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancers, heart problems, diabetes and digestive problems. Green leafy vegetables are important in a healthy diet, they are great source of vitamins and they are called nutritional powerhouses. Seasonal fruits contain ingredients needed by our body and including them in our diet improves our overall health. Fruits and vegetables are low in fat, sugar and calories. They treat the risk of obesity, cholesterol and help to maintain healthy weight.
  2. Include pulses and whole grains- Pulses and whole grains are good source of nutrients, protein, vitamins, fibre and complex carbohydrates. They are low in fat and help to maintain healthy weight. Pulses and whole grains traet the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and obesity.
  3. Include starchy carbohydrates, cut down salt, saturated fat and sugar.
  4. Include more fish in diet.

Drink more fluids and be hydrated

Water is very important for our body as all major functions of our body depends on water. Our body is made up of approximately 60% of water. Water helps in detoxification, to regulate body temperature, and to carry nutrients and oxygen throughout our body. Water protects cells, tissues, spinal cord, joints, helps to improve digestion and in maintaining healthy weight. We lose water every day in different ways like urine, sweat, digestion, bowel movements. It is important to keep our body hydrated to be healthy and happy. Drink lot of water, fruit juices, coconut water and lemon water to be hydrated.

Get enough sleep

Sleep plays an important role in our physical and mental health. Getting enough sleep improves your productivity at work, school and helps you to do the duties throughout the day. Good sleep helps to improve memory, maintain healthy weight, lowers stress levels, improves concentration, treats depression, improve productivity and live longer. Getting enough sleep is good for skin, hair, brain long term health and well being.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

Avoid consumption of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, smoking and drugs. They increase the risk of diseases and other health problems. They have serious effect on physical and mental health. Excess consumption may lead to liver cirrhosis, cancers, kidney failure, infections, oral cancers, heart diseases and arterial diseases.

Spend time with family and friends

Spending quality time with friends and family control our stress levels, loneliness, and traumas. It improves your happiness and self confidence. Spending time with family improves emotional bond in the family and has positive effects on physical and mental health.


Life style is the way of living. Lifestyle reflects individual’s personality, attitude, values and behaviour. Leading a healthy lifestyle gives both short term and long term health benefits. Physical and mental health is directly associated with lifestyle. A healthy life style includes yoga, meditation, exercise and swimming.


Practising yoga improves physical and mental health and also gives strength. It enhances strength, flexibility, concentration, self confidence and energy levels. It is proven that yoga improves immune system, aids weight loss and improves heart health. Yoga asanas and poses helps to treat many physical problems like back pain, heart diseases, diabetes, fertility problems and asthma. Yoga control the stress levels, depression and improves brain health.


Meditation is good for mind, body and heart. Meditation is a state of peace. Meditation helps to control stress, anxiety and depression. Meditation boosts your immunity, brain health, concentration, heart health. It is also good for your skin; it control ageing and gives fresh feeling. Meditation help in treating addictions, reduces headaches and improve sleep.


Exercise is very important to keep your body healthy and active. It treat the risk of diseases, helps to maintain healthy weight. Regular exercise improves heart health, lowers cholesterol and sugar levels. It strengthens bones, muscles and joints. Exercise is good for skin and hair. Exercise treat osteoporosis, improves digestion, relieves stress and control the risk of cancers. Boosts happiness and energy. Aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility are few types of exercises which help to maintain physical and mental health.


Swimming is good for health; it is one of the cardio workouts and great way to be fit and healthy. It is a full body workout and most effective way to burn calories. Swimming control stress levels, relaxes your body, increase energy levels and boosts your mood. It control the risk of various diseases.

About LiveHomeo

Homeopathy is a natural form of treatment which aims to treat the root cause of a problem. Homeopathy improves immunity and boost defensive cell mechanism in the body. Homeopathy treatment is based on a principle of symptom similarity. When compared to other conventional treatments homeopathy is safe and suitable for all age groups from children to elder people.
LiveHome provide the informations about the various health problems like obesity, diabetes, sinusitis, arthritis, tonsillitis, back pain, infections, skin disorders, eating disorders, Alzheimer’s and many more. When, we receive your queires or requests, we will send to our advisors or experts of Homeopathy. Depending on the diseases, symptoms homeopaths provide treatment as each individual is different from one another. Homeopathy not only focuses on disease but also treats a person as whole by enhancing body’s normal healing and self regulatory processes. Homeopathy treatment is easy to use, non addictive, non invasive and has no side effects. Homeopathy is known for its effective and gentle effect on disease. Homeopathy helps to maintain good physical and mental health, it treats wide range of both short term and long term illness.

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